Best 3 Window 7 Tweaking Tools Ever
There are lots of windows 7 tweaking tools you can find on internet.I myself also try many tools to tweak window seven but i found three tweaking tools which include all the necessary tweaking features.This tools contains almost every tweaking feature which make your window 7 more fast and more handy.This tool ease your work on window 7 by providing lots of feature like .
Start menu and shell options
UAC settings
Performance setting's
Security Settings
OEM maintenance
Windows Tools
Networks Tweaks
Browser Tweaks
So lets see these three tools.
Sunrise Seven is an advanced Windows tweaker tool that provides many extra functionality to Windows simply by checking some options. First thing I noticed in this tool is its easy to use interface. All the functions are well categorized and you can access them by clicking the category name in include almost every feature to tweak your window 7.
I will also recommend to install this application .EnhanceMySe7en helps you to control many aspects of the system with maximum convenience.You will get everything needed for maintaining Windows 7 in a perfect condition.This tool offer you many features like HDD temperature,Information about your physical disk and cleaning tools like registry cleaner, and many more like customization and performance tools.See image below.
This tools have lot's of advantages than above tools and also some demerit the biggest advantage of this tool is that it is portable you don't need to install it just open it by double click and start tweaking your window 7.The other big advantage of this tool is that its size its less than 300kb.This tool created by ramesh kumar.You can download this tool from below link.
Start menu and shell options
UAC settings
Performance setting's
Security Settings
OEM maintenance
Windows Tools
Networks Tweaks
Browser Tweaks
So lets see these three tools.
Sunrise Seven
Sunrise Seven is an advanced Windows tweaker tool that provides many extra functionality to Windows simply by checking some options. First thing I noticed in this tool is its easy to use interface. All the functions are well categorized and you can access them by clicking the category name in include almost every feature to tweak your window 7.
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I will also recommend to install this application .EnhanceMySe7en helps you to control many aspects of the system with maximum convenience.You will get everything needed for maintaining Windows 7 in a perfect condition.This tool offer you many features like HDD temperature,Information about your physical disk and cleaning tools like registry cleaner, and many more like customization and performance tools.See image below.
Ultimate Windows Tweaker v2.1
Click on Image to View Large |
This tools have lot's of advantages than above tools and also some demerit the biggest advantage of this tool is that it is portable you don't need to install it just open it by double click and start tweaking your window 7.The other big advantage of this tool is that its size its less than 300kb.This tool created by ramesh kumar.You can download this tool from below link.
Note:Before apply any tweak please make a restore point :)
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