How To Add Blank Status To Facebook
Nowadays people are adding blank status to there Facebook wall.By default you can't do that probably you are thinking right now how can they adding a blank status to there wall.Ok So today in my tutorial i will show you how to add a blank status to your own wall or in some other group.So see the image below how a blank message look like.
So what you need to do to post a blank status on Facebook you just need to enter this
@[0:0: ]
in your comment box and then click on Post.So what are you waiting for ? Just post a blank message on your wall or group and make your friends amazed .
So what you need to do to post a blank status on Facebook you just need to enter this
in your comment box and then click on Post.So what are you waiting for ? Just post a blank message on your wall or group and make your friends amazed .
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